How to apply

Instructions for submission of Online Application of Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship


Application Type Opening Date Closing Date
Fresh Application 2024 20.11.2024 --
Renewal Application 2024 20.11.2024 --
Fresh Kanyashree (K3) Application 2024 20.11.2024 --
Step 1

Online Registration: At first applicants need to fill up and submit the online registration form. On successful submission of the Registration Form, an Applicant ID of 15 characters will be generated and it will be used to login and complete the remaining Steps of the Application Form. The Applicant Id also required for all future correspondences.Please maintain the Password Policy, for choosing the Password in the Registration Form, as instructed. Please download the Registration Slip or note down the system generated Applicant ID for future use. The Applicant ID will also be sent to the mail id, entered at the time of registration.

Applicants, willing to apply for K3 are required to fill up the authentication form to verify their existence in Kanyashree(K2) with the input fields Kanyashee(K2) Year of Application, Kanyashree ID, Applicant’s Name, Applicant’s Date of Birth, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name. On successful completion of K2 authentication applicants will be forwarded to registration form. The rest of the process is same as fresh application procedure.

** Girls' students pursuing regular course of Post-graduation in Science/Arts/Commerce but do not have any Kanyashree(K2) ID are requested to apply under Directorate of Public Instruction category. The criteria and benefits are same as Kanyashree(K3).

For Renewal of existing beneficiaries, Online registration is not needed, rather they can login with their previous Applicant ID and Password to apply for renewal.

Note: Eligibility criteria for application in Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship 2024 are mentioned in advertisement and also in the About section, available under Downloads menu and About menu respectively.

If Applicants forget their Applicant ID or Password, they can retrieve the same using Forgot Applicant ID/Password option from Applicant Login option.

Step 2

Online Application: Login with the generated Applicant ID, Password (which was set during Registration Process) and Captcha (Security Code). After successful login, fill up rest of the application forms. While uploading Scanned Copy of Image and Signature, please maintain File Format and File Size as mentioned. Image and Signature format should be JPG/JPEG and size should be in between 20KB-50KB and 10KB-20KB respectively.

Step 3

Upload Documents: After successful submission of application forms, Scanned Supporting Document Upload form will be appeared. Upload all necessary documents as mentioned in the form. While uploading, please maintain the File format and File size, as mentioned. Files should be in PDF format and size should not exceed 400KB.

In the upload documents form, select the Competent Authority (BDO/SDO/Jt. BDO / BLRO (Panchayat Area), Executive Officer / Finance Officer / Education Officer in case of municipality, Commissioner / Dy. Com / Municipal secretary in case of Corporation Area, G.R-A Gazetted Officer) whom the Income Certificate is issued from.

Format for Income Certificate is available under Downloads option in the Top menu in all pages.

Step 4

Submission: After successful upload, Check the application in view mode & click on Submit Application to complete the application process.

Step 5

Edit: After submission of application form in the portal there will generally not be any option to edit application details. However, if any modification (for example, change of Bank details, updating any Uploaded Document etc.)is needed after submission, applicant may approach concerned HOI for such modification. HOI will then unlock the application and the applicant will then be able to edit the application details.

** For Renewal Application, bank details may be edited from respective Directorate end. Valid reasons such as closure of bank account, minor a/c etc. are required to change the bank details subject to HOI's nod.

If any applicant needs to change her/his Present Course of Study, i.e. Present Course Name, Institution Name, Date of Admission etc, she/he may contact helpdesk in this regard. Helpdesk will provide option to change those details.

Electronic submission of M.Phil/Ph.D application started from 01.10.2019

Step 1

Online Registration: Registration of Non-NET applicants will be done from the concerned Institution end.

After successful registration, a completion message will be sent to the concerned applicant's mobile no. along with the 15digits Applicant ID and a system generated Password.

NOTE: If an applicant does not receive the sms, containing the login credentials, an option to resend the credentials is provided at the concerned institution's login.

Step 2

Online Application:Login with the Applicant ID, Password and Captcha. After successful login, fill up and submit the Basic Details form.

Step 4

Uploading of UC/Claim Certificate and Progress Report(Not applicable for Fresh Applicants) :After successful uploading of the documnets, download the Utilization and Claim Certificate(for renewal applicants) or Claim Certificate(for fresh applicants), get the certificated attested from the concerned institution upload it. The Progress Report is to be uploaded for the renewal applicants and after that submit the application.

Step 5

Enterning the Bank Details: After that the concerned Institution will enter the bank details of the applicant from it's login before verifying the application.

  This is to declare that I have read the instructions properly and I agree to abide by them.