About Us (Guidelines)

With a view to assisting the meritorious students belonging to economically backward families in the State of West Bengal to pursue higher studies, the Government of West Bengal introduces this scheme of giving scholarships at different levels of higher studies, at educational institutions based in West Bengal. The Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship Scheme has been thoroughly revamped in the year 2016 to cover more number of students as well as to enhance the scholarship amounts significantly..


  • The scheme benefits students studying in regular mode of Class XI and XII, and at under Graduate level in Science/Arts/Commerce, Engineering, Medical and Technical / Professional courses. Post Graduate level students pursuing Science/Arts/Commerce & Technical/Management. These scholarships will be sanctioned to deserving students on merit-cum-means criteria.
  • Students should pass in the year 2024,2023 or 2022 or 2021 (unable to get admission in the year 2023 or 2022 or 2021 due to unavoidable reason and taking admission in the year of advertisement) with at least (a)60%(75% for 2020 or earlier passout candidates) marks in aggregate in the last qualifying examination from West Bengal Board of Secondary Education/West Bengal Council for Higher Secondary Education/Madrasa Education for Higher Secondary level or Under Graduate level Scholarship (b) 60%(75% for 2020 or earlier passout candidates) marks in aggregate in diploma course from Institutes approved by AICTE and affiliated to WBSCT&VE&SD for Under Graduate level Scholarship (in 2nd year Engineering/Technology/Pharmacy courses through Lateral Entry) or affiliated by State Medical Faculty for Under Graduate level Scholarship (in 2nd year Pharmacy course through Lateral Entry) (c) 53% marks in aggregate in Graduation (Honours Subject) from any State University for Post Graduate Level Scholarship (General Education) /55% marks in Graduate Courses from any State University or AICTE approved Institute of West Bengal for Post Graduate Level Scholarship (Engineering/Technology/Pharmacy).
  • Students pursuing M.Phil courses and Doctoral courses (NON-NET JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW and NET-LECTURERSHIP) from State-aided Institutions will come under the purview of this Scholarship Scheme.
  • Girls Students pursuing Post Graduate courses in Science, Arts and Commerce stream from Universities of this State after obtaining Under Graduate Degree with 45% marks in aggregate from Institutions of this State will come under the aegis of this Scholarship Scheme as Kanyashree(K3) applicants.
  • The upper ceiling for family income has been fixed at Rs.2,50,000/- per annum.
  • As the payment will be made by direct beneficiary transfer only, furnishing of Bank details of the applicant, i.e. A/C No., Bank Name, IFS Code of Bank is mandatory.

  • There will be no need to submit hard copy of the application.
  • Candidates opting for these scholarships and found eligible, will not be allowed to enjoy any other governmental (central/state) scholarship or stipend for the same course/stage of study. However, one time grants or assistances received from any source, or free or partly-free studentship allowed by the host institutions will not debar the students from availing of the benefits of this scheme.


The basic allocation and rates will be as under :

DPI UG (ARTS) At least 60% marks in Last Qualifying Exam 1000/-
UG(COMMERCE) At least 60% marks in Last Qualifying Exam 1000/-
UG (SCIENCE) At least 60% marks in Last Qualifying Exam 1500/-
UG (OTHER PROFESSIONAL COURSES, UGC APPROVED)* At least 60% marks in Last Qualifying Exam 1500/-
PG (ARTS) At least 53% marks for SVMCM and 45% for Kanyashree(K3 applicants in Last Qualifying Exam 2000/-
PG (COMMERCE) At least 53% marks for SVMCM and 45% for Kanyashree(K3 applicants in Last Qualifying Exam 2000/-
PG (SCIENCE) At least 53% marks for SVMCM and 45% for Kanyashree(K3 applicants in Last Qualifying Exam 2500/-
PG (OTHER PROFESSIONAL COURSES, UGC APPROVED) At least 53% marks in Last Qualifying Exam 2500/-
NON NET M.PHIL./NON NET PH.D. Date of Enrolment/Date of Registration not before 01.04.2017 5000/- / 8000/- Respectively
DSE HS At least 60% marks in MP/Equivalent Exam 1000/-
D.El.Ed At least 60% marks in HS/Equivalent Exam 1000/-

UG: 1. 60% 2. 60% in Diploma Course from WBSCT&VE&SD for lateral entry scheme. PG: 55% in Graduation from any State University/AICTE approved institute institute in West Bengal

DTE&T POLYTECHNIC (DIPLOMA COURSES) At least 60% marks in Last Qualifying Exam 1500/-
DME UG (MEDICAL-DEGREE) AND DIPLOMA COURSES At least 60% marks in Last Qualifying Exam 5000/- AND 1500/- RESPECTIVELY

*For Training Courses Like B.Ed, Percentage of Qualifying Examination is 53% if the Qualifying Course is a UG Course or 50% if the Qualifying Course is a PG Course


The total family income for the prospective scholars will be not more than Rs. 2,50,000/- per annum.

Any deliberate falsification in the Income documents discovered at any stage will be considered as a grievous offence and may invite serious disciplinary actions leading to (i) compulsory and immediate refund of the amount of scholarship already enjoyed by the scholar, (ii) complete forfeiture of his/her right to apply for any governmental scholarship in future and (iii) may also attract penal provisions of other relevant laws for the time being in force.


Candidates whose family income is not more than Rs. 2,50,000/- per annum will be judged according to their academic merit in the under noted manner.

For HS - level:

The minimum qualifying marks for being considered for award of scholarships will be 60% in aggregate, in Madhyamik Pariksha, and the total marks obtained in the Madhyamik Parkisha excluding pass marks in the additional subject, if any, will be the sole criterion for consideration. Candidates from outside the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education will not be eligible to apply for this scholarship.

For Diploma Courses (Polytechnic under DTE&T) - level:

Students who are enrolled after passing-out in Secondary (M.P.) Examination or its equivalent as stated above in 2022 for first year Diploma (Polytechnic) courses [H.S. Examination or its Equivalent for Diploma in 1) Pharmacy, 2) Modern Office Practice & Management and 3) 3-D Animations & Graphics of 2 year duration ] and after passing-out H.S./ equivalent Examination or ITI 2 years for 2nd year Diploma (Polytechnic) courses on lateral entry basis, will be eligible to apply. Candidates must obtain at least 60% marks in aggregate in the qualifying examination [excluding the marks secured in the optional elective subject, if any].

The Diploma (Polytechnic) courses of the State have to be approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) / Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) / Council of Architecture (CoA) and affiliated to West Bengal State Council of Technical & Vocational Education & Skill Development (WBSCT&VE&SD), a Statutory Body under the Department of Technical Education, Training & Skill Development, Government of West Bengal.

For UG - level:

The minimum qualifying marks for being considered for award of scholarships will be 60% in aggregate, in the H.S. Examination conducted by the W.B. Council of H.S. Education/Madrasha Siksha Parishad. For the UG (Arts), UG (Commerce), UG (Science) separate merit lists will be prepared.

For PG - level:

Candidates should be graduates securing at least 53% marks (55% marks for applicants under DTE) in the Honours subject at the graduation level. The marks obtained in Honours subject will be the only deciding criterion academically for award of the PG-level scholarships. Kanyashree recipients (K-2) (married/unmarried) pursuing Post Graduate courses in Science, Arts and Commerce stream from Universities of this State after obtaining Under Graduate Degree with 45% marks in aggregate from Institutions of this State will come under the aegis of this Scholarship Scheme. There is no need to submit Income Certificate and Income Affidavit in respect of Kanyashree students applying for K-3 scholarship under Swami Vivekananda Merit–cum–Means Scholarship Scheme.

For Research Level:

The financial assistance will be admissible to those non-NET candidates and NET-LS candidates registered as full time M.Phil. or Ph.D. research scholars as on 01/04/2017 or on a date thereafler, with effect from 01/04/2017 and (subject to the overall time limit of two years for M.Phil. and four years for Ph.D.) up till the day of submission of the Dissertation and no further. Further, NET-LS scholars shall stop receiving the assistance from the day they are appointed as teachers and it shall be their duty to inform the University authorities of the same. and the same shall be informed forthwith to this Department.


Candidates for different categories will submit their applications online in the scholarship portal and applications i.r.o scholarship cases would be arranged in descending order (on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying examination apart from income/means criteria), and scholarship would be sanctioned as per the availability of fund and strictly on the basis of the merit list. fund may be transferred to the beneficiaries account if the documents are in order.

For failed transaction of scholarship money, the last date of correction at respective Directorate end is 30th June of each year for the previous financial year failed transaction as per IFMS norms.


For renewal of scholarship, application must be submitted online to the concerned scholarship sanctioning authority within one month from the date of his/her admission in the next higher class due to promotion by passing in the first attempt (In case of Semester mode-All Semester Examinations need to be cleared in the first attempt). Renewal cases (concentrated only at a particular level of study) will be sanctioned subject to good academic performance (Minimum 60% marks should be obtained from Higher Secondary Level to Undergraduate Level(combining both semester) at the promotional examination) and 50% marks (combining both semester) at Post Graduate Level.


1st renewal: Submission of SEM 1 and SEM 2 Marksheet required

2nd Renewal: Submission of SEM 3 and SEM 4 Marksheet required


1st renewal: With submission of 1st MBBS marksheet

2nd Renewal: 2nd Prof MBBS marksheet will need to be furnished for the 2nd renewal in the following year.

3rd and final Renewal: 3rd Prof Part 1 MBBS marksheet will need to be furnished for the 3rd and final renewal in the following year.